Thursday, February 7, 2008

Oldy Moldy Me

I'm in a stage makeup class right now, and today we were working on old age. We are finally getting to the point that we are doing cooler stuff (female correctional=not cool enough to blog about). I don't really know a lot of people in the class, so I felt like an idiot taking a ton of pictures of myself, but I really wanted to document this momentous occasion, my first glimpse of myself at 70!

I was also very unhappy to find that my wrinkles are very unsymmetrical...

*my favorite part is the eyes, I think they look the coolest!

To go along with this, I found some celebrities that had been digitally aged, and I thought that they were pretty gross! I found them at

Paris and Avril

Katie Holmes and Gwen

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

You are hot! Scott thought that was very cool! And I died laughing at the old age celebrities- Katie Holmes was the best!