Monday, May 26, 2008

My life with Matt

So, last night, Matt and I were bored and we were both on Facebook(rare for Matt) and he took all these IQ tests (US citizen trivia, instant IQ, Genius or stupid, etc), told me to take them. Then he laughed at me when I scored lower on all of them AND found out the following things:

1. I shouldn't be a US citizen, and should consider migrating to Mexico or Canada

2. I should not have earned my high school diploma(I graduated with High Honors)

3. I am no smarter than the fifth graders I teach!

4. That I am "Stupid is as stupid does" whatever that means...

So, basically my night was ruined, and I realized once again that Matt is smarter than he lets on to be(and I'm not using Facebook as an indicator of that, I am using life as an indicator of that). How can I be that much dumber than someone who's facebook picture is this:

PS. I love Matt, I just don't like feeling like a Valley Girl! Also, now my family calls him for homework help... not me... dang that good looking physics major of mine!

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

Whatever Kristal! You are SO SMART- plus, let's be honest... you are smarter in a lot of things. Facebook profile pic being Exhibit A.