Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bring back that lovin' feelin!

Is that song that Matt sang to me last night at the ward party, it was awesome. There was karoke at the end (which I am pretty obsessed with) and I had to sing, just so that I could take a picture of it, and blog about it. That is the sort of person I have become. I only do things so that I can have things to say on my blog. But I sang 'Oops! I did it again'. I also had one of those 'ah-ha' moments last night when I realized that we were allowed to stay in the church after the party with no adults... because we were the adults. Wild.


Em and Russ said...

Dang,Kristal your are a hottie! I'm going to miss you this weekend while you are in Mexico.

April Carter said...

EXCELLENT! You have the groove goin on