Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I guess this is growing up

Matt and I have been 'looking' at buying a house. We aren't sure yet what we want to do, but it has been a headache just starting the process. The last few weeks we have spent pouring over real estate websites and familiarizing ourselves with terms like 'short sale' and 'FHA Loan'. Man, why can't houses be like cars. Go to the house dealer, look at all the models in one relatively small area and test 'live' a few. Goodness. I love looking at houses and just dreaming about the day when we will build our final destination, our dream house per say, but right now it is stinky. I almost have given up, its just not much fun falling in love with house after house and being let down by various troubles. Man, being old is not as much fun as I thought. All this house looking has got me thinking about the things that really matter to me in a house... I have compiled a list of a few things I deem necessary to my dream house: (please note that this is 'dream' house, not like buying this summer house)

A BIG tub: being six feet tall, I have to pick and choose what parts of me stay warm on my occasional baths, too bad, because I really enjoy them.

A vanity... aw the funness of sitting down to do your makeup

A movie room: Preferably in a more secluded part of the house with lots of comfy couches and love sacs.

Vaulted ceilings and a second story that has at least one overlook onto the main floor.

A fireplace with a freaking sweet mantle

and last but not least, a VERY HIGH, and VERY soft bed. Like, one that I would need a footstool to get on...mmmm, I want it now.
And if you throw in some secret passage ways... all the better.

Basically the perfect house for me... why can't houses like this be 100,000 dollars?

Ya, I know I dream big. Is it bad of me to want a SWEET, super nice looking house? What are some 'must haves' for you?


Olivia Carter said...

I'm going to have to second EVERY one of the things you listed. I want a HUGE tub, a vanity, high ceilings, the whole package.

I'd add bright colored walls, especially in the kiddos rooms & lots of light & windows (we all know the great 100 W incident of 2009), a really nice stove & over set, AND A MUST FOR ME IS WOOD FLOORS!

Anonymous said...

I second the big tub, I want my neck, knees and toes in all at once. Also, I want one of those stoves with the flat, wipe off tops. Ooh, and I also want a lot of big windows but I want one big button that closes the shades on them all at once (it'd be cool if the shades were in between two plates of glass... I saw this thing about them. They don't get dusty or broken and they are protected within the glass. Pretty sweet).

April Carter said...

Yep, I love all those things...but since we have lived in our house 21 years...I would settle for at least one more bedroom for all my kids to come home and have more room.