Sunday, October 11, 2009

Information Leak

I have just received intelligence that we will be traveling to Guilin this weekend. And guess what that means? Hint: it makes happy to my tummy.

If you guessed that I get to go to Pizza Hut, then you are absolutely correct! 

If nothing else, this China experience has made me appreciate the little things in life (okay, so I guess going to Pizza Hut is a pretty big thing when you live in Dong'an). Please don't judge me because of my obsession with food.. I can't help it. Americans just don't realize how lucky they are...

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

Guilin?!?!? that was one of my favorite areas. It was mostly the areas just outside of Guilin I loved, but they have those cool Dr. Suess mountians & I'm pretty sure I found some Mexican food there.