Monday, January 4, 2010

Where's the Waiguoren?

(Chinese for foreigner, or, my personal favorite: outside country person)

We took a weekend trip down to Guilin to celebrate the New Year (Happy 2010!). We also learned that New Years Day in China = Black Friday in America. It was crazy down there! There were so many people everywhere, I think I saw the entire Chinese population this weekend. 

I love how much we stand out. Especially since tourist season is over, and all the whiteys have left Guilin. 


About Us said...

Ha ha ha! My eyes seriously went right to you. That's great.

Olivia Carter said...

We were in that one cool city for New Years (the one with the mountains that we liked- I can't remember the name, dang it!) & it was a CRAZY place. We went out at night & set off fireworks & it was INSANE! So fun!

I remember we learned to say, "I am a foreigner" by practicing "Washer Meg Ryan" because it kind of sounds like that. HA!

Em and Russ said...

I spotted you immediately when I saw the picture.