Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Forbidden City

All I know, is that Matt and I are pretty sure the old emperors of China would roll over in their graves if they saw the kind of rif-raf allowed into the Forbidden City nowadays. 

Back in the good old days, it was only the Emperor, his wives, concubines and eunuchs. Besides the emperor, no 'men' were allowed into the city... poor guys.

(you might wonder why I only posted one picture from such a historic place... and the answer my friends is that I have now sent this email SIX times to my blog, and each time, the pictures are too big, leaving me with this one)


Olivia Carter said...

Good ol' forbidden city. I can't wait until you guys get back and I can see all your pics in their entirety.

Em and Russ said...

I would have been allowed in the Forbidden City because I'm so freakin' awesome!