Monday, May 10, 2010

Brain Dump

Here is a trial run of uploading videos... this one is a tour of our apartment (please don't judge our dirty bathroom floor, the shower water drains through a hole in our toilet, AKA: not so efficiently.)

I have gotten into the nasty habit of talking about people NOT behind their backs. Nothing mean, but man, when you KNOW that the best English speaker in your city is Mr. Beard., it's hard not to say what's on your mind in a language that no one understands. It's amazing what you'll talk about in the most public of places when you know that if you speak fast and use lots of slang, NO one will comprendo. You better know that I spend a good part of my time looking up 'descriptive' words in Chinese, so that Matt and I can continue this habit when we go back to America. Ya, if we're speaking Chinese in front of you, it's probably about you(wahahaha).

I should be doing ab ripper X right now. But I just don't feel like it.

We bought plane tickets home! We will be flying out of Shanghai on the 23rd of June, and no thanks to the World Expo. for making our one way tickets 900$ a piece. At least we'll be able to say that we went to the World Fair.
KTV (what China calls karaoke) is one of the best times I've had here! You rent out a little room with a tv, speakers, couches and of course microphones and bust a move in privacy! It's soooo fun! I miss my Wii mostly because I used to play Karaoke Revolution all the time (and yes, mostly by myself). I think I will organize weekly singing parties upon my return... who's with me?

For the first time EVER Matt and I went to a place specifically to get fried rice. Most of the fried rice here hasn't been the greatest (I blame the excessive use of nasty pickled beans). Can you believe it? Almost nine months in China, and only a few times ordering fried rice as a meal. That's how delicious the rest of the food is(and some people thought I would starve to death here...).

I'm making some 'pages', check 'em out at the top!


Olivia Carter said...

Oh man, that video reminds me SOOOOO much of the apartment I lived in, in China. But we did have a little lip around our shower so that we didn't have water spraying around everywhere. but that view in the guest room- SIGH- made me miss it lots!

Can't wait to see you guys!

About Us said...

Wow that apartment is big! It looks pretty sweet too! (funny about the shower) It was fun to see where you live. Yay for videos!

Em and Russ said...

Narek!!!! That was fun to see Narek on the bed. He is such a good little monkey, even if he is a little creepy :)

Phillip said...

You guys live in a Chinese palace. However, it appears that the kitchen was built for hobbits...crazy creatures!

April said...

Loved the video...and of course Narek. But wish we had done the Karaoke too when we were there. When you come to our house you can sing...ALL NIGHT LONG...and we will too.