Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Name

If you have ever wondered why my blog title is so weird, here it is:

I was setting up a blog, oh, three years ago. Then I came to the 'blog title' line. I am terrible at naming/titling things, so I just made up something lame and stupid. This is where KK Carter Coolspot was born. "I'll change it later" I thought. But I never did. I've made a few different headers, and when I make each one, I try to think of a new name for this here blog... but I always just think, "Whatever, the title is good enough, it's not like it matters anyway unless people pay attention to the header".
Then blogger started doing followers. I was looking at my sister-in-laws profile the other day, and I saw that my blog was listed... as KK Carter Coolspot. I wanted to throw up in my mouth a little bit. BlAH, I have started to hate the name. I never really thought the title mattered, until now.
Problem is, I still have the same problem as three years ago. I stink at the name game. So, I need some help. I want to redesign my blog, but I don't want to do it without a change in titling.

What should I name my blog?!?! I know not that many people even read it, but it's driving me crazy! If you have the awesome-est suggestion, I will bring you a prize from China, how's that for incentive?


Em and Russ said...

Okay Kristal, you gotta give me some time to think about this. We gotta come up with something epic. But until then, I kinda like KK Carter Coolspot (except coolspot should be with a K :)

susan said...

Kristal tried to get Matt to change the spelling of Carter to Karter so she could be KKK (can I even say that) but he didn't like that idea