Monday, January 17, 2011


Matt got a Rosetta Stone for Christmas. He's been forcing me to learn ever since... the only motivation I see in my learning Chinese now is so that we can speak code together.

Take for instance the other day when I was very angry with him (we both have pretty violent tempers). I needed to express my frustration in a way that was not English, like they do in the movies.

'Hong se da yu' I hissed at him, quite darkly.

He was not offended. Probably because I only know enough Chinese to effectively label him a 'red fish'. But just you wait Henry Higgins, my next lesson is 'shopping', and if they teach you how to shop China style, I should be learning all sorts of insults.


Olivia Carter said...

Oh man, if you people start talking secret language in front of me... I'll beat you. I hate it when people do that! :)

BUT RAD that you are learning! So jealous!

Kristal said...

haha Olivia, I hate it too! That's why we're doing it ;) Well, mostly for when we're out in public and don't want people to overhear us. not for when we're conversing with peeps.

alma and nicole smith said...

haha, what are you up to girlfriend??! i need to see you guys. we miss you.