Friday, February 17, 2012

Pinned It, Did it

I'm at a point in my life right now when sometimes my only accomplishment for the day is that my sweet girl is still breathing. But sometimes, I get lucky and have something to 'show' for the day. 

I saw this idea on Pinterest (of course), an outline of all the places you've lived with your spouse. I figured this would be a cool one to add to when we move around with the Air Force.
I did them on 8x8 canvases and used freezer paper as a stencil, they were super easy and added some color to my very white walled apartment.                                                                                         


alma and nicole smith said...

ok i LOVE these!! we would have quite the collection as well! i need to know more details...freezer stencil paper?? and did you make up the stencils or what? and did you pain the backgrounds. details details! love it. miss you girl.

Em and Russ said...

Awesome! Mine would be pretty plain and boring, but it is a great idea!

Olivia Carter said...

Love it! Such a great idea!

The Laters said...

I came across your blog when I was searching for greater swiss mountain dogs. I am from Idaho Falls and I am curious to know who let you see their dogs. I am interested in getting one but I have never seen one in person. if you could help me out that would be great. Thank you so much and sorry for the random comment.