Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Grocery Store Inventory

Kate is 6 weeks old and I have thus far avoided taking both of my girls to the grocery store alone. I think you other parents understand why. If you don't, congratulations, your kids are perfect. Here's a break down of our trip

1.5 hours
100$ worth of groceries
1 mammoth 'car cart' measuring what feels like ten feet in length
Several audible gasps and one stranger running towards us to stop Natalie from climbing on top of the car portion of the cart while I grabbed something from the freezer(she's fast like that, and an spectacular climber)
4 lost and recovered shoes (all from the same foot)
5 toes that learned how to roll down the window from their car seat (window auto lock to the rescue)
1 candy bar bribe (for me, to talk me out of leaving Natalie in the produce section eating pebbled ice off the spinach)
3 counts of abandonment while I left Kate in the cart to run after a tiny escapee
1 crying baby
1 crying toddler 
1 sweaty momma

All in all, we got home with all our shoes and groceries. Mission accomplished I say. And Matt even beat us home from work so he helped carry in groceries. Score.

I realize as I'm writing this that I've probably painted Natalie as some sort of terror these last few posts, which she isn't at all. She's just and active/busy/curious little lady. So, lest you think she isn't sweet, here is our conversation on the way to the store.

Natalie: (after hearing Kate start to cry) Oh no! Katie sad!
Me: She is sad, should we help her?
Natalie: Yes

She has the cutest little whisper 'yes'. Love it. I don't want to leave you a photo-less post, so here's one from out on the lake.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting everyone out of the store alive. That first trip is the worst. Keep up the good work. Your kids are so cute!

Meredin said...

You are more adventurous than me! I think it was at least 3 months before I decided to venture out with 2 kids by myself. I still prefer to not do the shopping on my own with just the kids. It does get better, but I don't think it ever gets easy :)

Olivia Carter said...

Shopping with kids is the WORST. Seriously, the WORST! Bit you gotta do what you gotta do!

April said...

I love reading your stories