Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week Three

I'm almost surprised I am still with this, and even doing better! I didn't miss any days this week, and can I just say I love it. I didn't think I would. I thought it would be a pain, but would be worth it if I got into better picture taking habits. Such is not the case. I love it. Trying to find picture worthy moments in days when we are just being lazy has made me realize how beautiful life is, as cheesy as that may sound. It has made me appreciate the day to day, and get rid of the excuse 'we didn't really do anything, that's why I have no pictures'.

 I was talking to my Grandma on the phone the other day and I told her I was trying to take a picture every day.

"Really? That's a lot! I don't have very many pictures of my kids. All we have are a few black and white pictures. I wish I had more." 

I had never thought of it like that, like having a camera was such a blessing. What a privilege it is to be able to document my kids life so fully. I never realized how much I take pictures for granted. To be able to take more pictures of my girls in a day than my grandma has of all her kids for their whole childhood makes me feel a little guilty I haven't taken more. Here's to project 365!

 photo jan202.jpg  photo jan212.jpg  photo jan22.jpg  photo jan23.jpg
 photo jan24.jpg 
 photo jan242.jpg  photo jan25.jpg  photo jan252.jpg


Amber Goodman said...

I love the idea of a picture every day! I think it's neat how you're doing it. And those in the bath tub shots are always so cute :)

April said...

I love the photos then we can feel apart of your lives