Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Camping continued

So, I'm finally getting pictures up from camping! Like I said before, it was soo much fun to be with my whole family, sometimes I forget how much I like being around them. We spent a great majority of our time playing in the freezing lake. As you can see from the pictures above, our raft was a little less than seaworthy. I am amazed that we made it across the lake, that's not to say that there weren't times when I didn't think we would. Everytime someone moved, we saw our lives flash before our eyes. Mitch started to freak out a little bit once he realized that we had floated out to where he couldn't touch anymore (he was the only non-swimmer aboard). Our trusty raft held all six of us, with only about thirty feet of rope. (My brother Jeff was the only one who didn't join us, he just sat on the edge and mocked us Laman and Lemuel style whilst we build our raft.)

I just wanted to throw in a couple of Mitch-isms, for those of you that know him, that little guy is soooo funny these days.

Mitch: I'm a pirate of dealing!

Jeff: A pirate?

Mitch: yes, because pirates are horrible at everything!

And another time, Vanessa went over to Mitch's tent to see what he was doing and Mitch said "You're as creepy as livestock!"

Basically, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time after spending a couple days with these folks. Here are a few more pictures I just wanted to throw in.

In case you were wondering, little Mitch is not holding a fishing pole, but a bb gun and he is attempting to blow those fish out of the water.

My momma fell on her way up to the lake and got herself all bloody, good thing we had EMT Annie to clean her up.

And this is the weirdest tent I have ever seen, its a one-man coffin tent. Weird. But it only weighs two pounds and folds up to be the size of a newspaper.


April Carter said...

Wow, that looked like alot of fun. I love your brothers comments...he needs a shirt with "Mitchisms". Your photos are great.

Olivia Carter said...

Pics look SO GREAT!

And it looks like you guys had a blast! I'm not a big camper, but I wish I was. Maybe when you guys get back you can teach me.

Aaron and Julie said...

I love your family!! Ahh, the uintahs Glad you had such a great time and I must say I am completely jealous!!