I was looking for a pattern for a two button diaper cover for an Etsy order when I found a shop that had something else I had been looking for, a chevron baby blanket! I hardly ever buy patterns, but I needed the diaper cover and she had a 'buy three get one free' deal, and if you know me, you know I like my deals, so I found two other patterns I liked (not hard, she has lots of great ones) and got started on my blanket! I was a little frustrated with myself after I started for not planning better and using the corral color more than the light green, but I think it came out pretty good. Hurray for a nice easy project that was a break from all the green. 

Crocheting has been great for me while Matt is in training because it takes up almost no space and requires hardly any equipment. A total three month break from making stuff probably would have driven me batty.
*In case you aren't a link clicker like me, the shop is Yarn Blossom Boutique on Etsy. I also bought her button strap booties and baby button boots patterns and have really liked them as well!*

Crocheting has been great for me while Matt is in training because it takes up almost no space and requires hardly any equipment. A total three month break from making stuff probably would have driven me batty.
*In case you aren't a link clicker like me, the shop is Yarn Blossom Boutique on Etsy. I also bought her button strap booties and baby button boots patterns and have really liked them as well!*

Okay, so you are teaching me this right? That is exsactly what I've been wanting to make for like YEARS & YEARS!
I agree with Olivia! I think we need a girls trip and Kristal can teach us how to crochet.
Natalie is so cute :) I miss her! I love the colors you chose!
I love this ..the colors the pattern. You are AMAZING!
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