Saturday, January 25, 2014

Matt's brain and Google

I've worn glasses since I was 16 (it took failing the eye exam at the DMV for my mom to finally believe I couldn't see clearly). I almost never wear my glasses. Don't worry, I keep a pair in my car as not to be a danger to the public, but I hate wearing them. It mostly bothers me when I'm taking pictures. I just cannot get consistently sharp pictures. I always blamed my lack of experience, my lenses, improper settings, I said things to Matt like

''I should really get some contacts just for shoots, my glasses really get in the way"

"How much is LASIK? That would be SUPER convenient for picture taking"

He would say things like 'you're probably right, glasses probably help with focusing' yada, yada, yada

Now, if you've read my blog for awhile, you know that my interest in photography didn't start recently. Matt's been hearing these things for literally years.

I've been dreaming up upgrading my camera body lately. We were at Best Buy the other night and Matt was chasing Natalie around while I played with the cameras.

"I think the focus on this lens is broken" I told Matt. I could hear the auto focus working, and the pictures I took were clear but looking through the viewfinder was still blurry. 

"I bet the veiwfinder is out of focus, it was like that on all the cameras I was looking at too."

I don't have the most technical understanding of cameras, so I was confused what he meant by this and I asked him to elaborate. 

"Ya, you turn this little knob right here, and it adjusts your viewfinder so if you wear glasses you can adjust it so you don't have to wear your glasses to see clearly" 

I'm pretty sure my face went something like this:

This. whole. stinking. time. 

Needless to say my viewfinder has been adjusted.

I love that Matt is a virtual encyclopedia of knowledge. I often ask him the most obscure questions, and he can almost always give me at least some answer. However, what I am still learning is that Matt is like Google. You gotta ask the right questions to get the information you want. 

Marriage, my friends, is all about communication. 

1 comment:

April Carter said...

Ha have described Matt to a tee. So very funny. And with bad eye sight you still take great photos.