Saturday, June 7, 2014


This post probably won't be super interesting to those of you not related to me, just one of those 'for posterity' posts.

We started May with my oldest niece Sydney's baptism. In our church people aren't baptized until they are 8, so it's kind of a right of passage and a big deal. We were so happy to be there for it! I still remember this hot guy named Matt trying to woo me by showing me pictures of his adorable niece when we first met, so I can't believe she is already a little lady. 
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Olivia of course threw an awesome get together after, where Natalie scored a bowl full of sprinkles from somewhere... I'm lookin' at you Grandpa Carter.
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We really tried for some form of family picture(and failed more epically than normal), but I think this is a fairly good representation of us anyways, pretty blurry but everybody's laughing. And of course, someone who is not actually related to us in the picture.

Shane, my brother who's serving an LDS mission in Guatemala requested a picture to see how tall everyone is, so here's me and my sisters. We threw the babies in there for good measure. Kate hasn't ever met Shane so we're excited for him to get home in October!
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and of course, Natalie is always the redneck. She will not leave her ponytails in, so she always ends up looking slightly deranged with her sticking out hair.
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Don't all your family gatherings end in a spontaneous tickle fight? There is a story to this picture, but it's not all that interesting. Let's just say my sibling cooperate best when we plan cheesy pictures.

I was just trying to take a picture with my girls, so of course Jeff comes up to sit behind me like some sort of creeper.
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And the whole dinner party. My grandparents were there as well as my mom's brother who was visiting from Texas. Notice the chicken? Sometimes, I don't even deny that we are slightly red-neck. Would it make it any better if I said we put the chicken in the picture on purpose?

Once again, my 'tough guy' brother is a stinking fluffy teddy bear when it comes to Natalie. Lots of pictures of Jeff today I guess. 
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Back at home, enjoying the FENCED IN YARD!
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Feeding the ducks
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It was slightly blustery. 
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At a church party, we had a Book of Mormon fiesta night and Matt had to do a table with some sort of activity. We did engraving on little squares of brass... I thought it turned out pretty cool for how much we put it off. And there's a little bit of LDS humor for you on the picture. 
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Kate loves food.
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This picture reminds me of that scene from Never Been Kissed. Ole!
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And that was 'regular' May. I'll post about our trips another day. 

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